How to request for Scheduled Checks?

On the home page of the 56 Secure app, tap on "Scheduled Checks", fill in the required details and tap on "Submit Request".

Step 1 : Open the 56 Secure app.

Step 2 : Tap on the "Scheduled Checks" option under the Quick Security Actions section.

Step 3 : After doing so, a different page opens up where you need to fill in a few details.

Step 4 : From the list of options, choose the options relevant to you that you want our safety agents to check.

Step 5 : After selecting the items to be checked, enter the start date and end date range for when you want our safety agents to check our home regularly.

Step 6 : If you have any other additional requests for our safety agents, type them down in the "Additional Notes" section.

Step 7 : After filling in all the details, tap on "Submit Request" and our safety agents will check your property every 2 hours and send you images of the same.
